The Mozilla Developer Network describes the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) header like this:

The HTTP Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP) response header allows a website to control whether a new top-level document, opened using or by navigating to a new page, is opened in the same browsing context group (BCG) or in a new browsing context group.


A COOP header can be added in one of two ways, either using the default middleware options:


The above adds the COOP header with a same-origin value.

Or by creating an instance of the SecureHeadersMiddlewareBuilder class using the following code:

var customConfig = SecureHeadersMiddlewareBuilder


The above adds the COOP header with a same-origin value.

Full Options

The COOP header object (known internally as CrossOriginOpenerPolicy) has the following options:

  • enum: CrossOriginOpenerOptions

The values available for the CrossOriginOpenerOptions enum are:

  • UnsafeNone
  • SameOriginAllowPopups
  • SameOrigin